25 Apr Dan Abrams’ Websites Today
Mediaite has a slideshow of the ten best incredulous reactions from reporters interviewing Donald Trump. I know, I know — how could they only pick ten? To see the slideshow, click here.
Geekosystem announces that the machines have won a grocery store in New Zealand opened by accident on Good Friday, manned only by self-service checkout machines and without a single employee in the store. I don’t know whether to be terrified or impressed. To read the full post, click here.
Styleite reports that Prince Harry is throwing an after-after party for Royal Wedding attendees that will begin at 6 A.M. the day following the nuptials. He never disappoints! Get the full post here.
Ahh, yikes! Sportsgrid reports on a story that World Cup medics failed to use protective gloves while treating bloody wounds on the field. Not only is this generally yucky, but it left them vulnerable not only to HIV, but two fun and different strains of Hepatitis! Triple yikes. To read the full post, click here.
On Gossip Cop: the good news is, Kevin James and his wife welcomed a healthy baby boy into their family on Sunday! The not so great news: the kid’s name is Kannon Valentine. Is he a displaced Kardashian? To read the full post, click here.
The Mary Sue reports that Masaki Kamakura, a biologist in Japan, has identified the protein that turns regular worker bees into Queen Bees. If only there were a similar formula in “Mean Girls” — would’ve been a very different movie. Get the full post here.
The Abrams Media network welcomes a new member — meet Mogulite.com!